Advent asynchronous scavenger hunt!

Last weekend, I worked with our local parks and organized a creek clean up even for our youth group at a local recreation trail near our church. The weather was unseasonably beautiful and we ended up with great participation, from kids and their parents. Families use the trail all the time, and it’s recently become the subject of our church’s Green Team efforts. As we’re brainstorming more ways to help families actively engage Advent this year, I created a scavenger hunt, which we’re exploring doing as a geocaching event along the trail. If we don’t get permission to do that, we’ll use the church grounds or get volunteers from the church who can offer up their yards for hiding containers/caches. The idea of setting up a game and leaving it up for the whole season is appealing for a host of reasons: families can do the game whenever it’s convenient for them, it’s not weather dependent, and it allows families to social distance responsibly.

Each clue leads to an object with a related lesson of your choice; my sample below is themed on “searching for the light,” so includes related objects and reflection questions.


How to use TED talks in youth group


Advent resources for youth