Squarespace Design Portfolio

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Not familiar with how Squarespace can make a beautiful, easy-to-manage, welcoming space that gives visitors a true glimpse into your business or community?

Check out these samples, including video tours of some pages and features.

The pages across this website also feature a combination of vibes and styles, because sometimes branding rules are made to be broken, and because I offer many types of services and content.

Explore, imagine, and get excited!

Web design sample: Church Systems Consulting


Home page

This client wanted clean, grounded design.

We added a few little animations to jazz it up a bit, including some custom “captions on hover” for highlighting her services on her home page.

The custom gradient background adds interest without being distracting.

The click through testimonials at the bottom add great social proof and legitimacy to her awesome new business.


About page

Features some custom “low-highlight” code to make the copy more scannable.

Custom graphics also package copy in a more readable way.

A custom background gave us a way to use a photo she loved to highlight a final call to action.

jen kidwell design portfolio sample radio show one-pager.png

I created this short and sweet one-pager for a new radio show.

Squeeze pages and sales pages, which don’t usually headers or footers, are easy to create with a bit of custom coding.




Demo homepage video tours

You may have seen on my blog that I reluctantly manage my church’s website in Wordpress. Well, here’s how I imagine it would look if (and when!?) it moves to Squarespace. Click the image to view a 5-minute demo of some features of the homepage, including a mobile optimization trick and a timed slide show. And to compare, visit our actual website at www.silverspringumc.org. Branding and logo here created by the lovely Wendy Hudgins.


This was a demo I made mostly because I wanted to look at beachy pictures, #selfcare. I did the branding and the simple logo. Click the image for a 5-minute demo of the homepage, which highlights some different features including calendars, video embedding, using dynamic section backgrounds, and some icon advice.